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Welcome to the International Association of Cultural & Creative Industries (IACCI)

IACCI is a strategic cooperative association for international cultural communication and industry cooperation, with the mission of fully exploring the cooperation possibilities among the association members, promoting the integration of resources in and out of the association, constructing international cooperative platform and accelerating the development of international cultural industries.

Industry Report


This book provides access to up to date, very high quality research and critical perspectives on China's CCIs on an industry by industry basis. Industries dealt with by this collection include: advertising, architecture, art and antiques, computer games, crafts, design, designer fashion, film and video, music, performing arts, publishing, software, TV and radio, digital media. The book combines recently translated work by acknowledged experts on individual sectors of the creative industries from within China with more critical work by internationally-based experts on China's CCIs and their implications beyond China. The book draws on the expertise of research academics and of industry based practitioners. China's Creative and Cultural Industries Reports is a Lens on China providing fresh, new material and perspectives on a key area of cultural and economic development in one of the world's fastest growing economies.

Title: China Cultural and Creative Industries Reports 2013

Chief Editor: Hardy Yong Xiang, Patricia Ann Walker

Publisher: Springer

Publication Date: October, 2013

Language: English


The Annual Development Report of Chinese Cultural Industries is mainly initiated by Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University (ICIPKU) and National Research Base of Cultural Industries Innovation and Development and collaborated by well-known scholars and entrepreneurs. This report primarily outlines the development and the trends of Chinese cultural industries in the current year. The report could serve the related government departments as a reference and contribute as a foundation to the decision-making of enterprises to invest cultural industries.

Title: The Annual Development Report of Chinese Cultural Industries (2011)

Chief Editor: Ye Lang

Publisher: Peking University Press(China)

Publication Date: August, 2011

Language: Chinese


A fully revised edition of the leading Australian introductory text on media studies, incorporating extensive analysis of the impact of communications.

Title: The Media and Communications in Australia

Editor: Stuart Cunningham, Graeme Turner, Jean Burgess

Publisher: Allen & Unwin Academic

Publication Date: March 1, 2010 (3rd ed)

Language: English


Annual Report on International Cultural Trade of China is co-authored by Bureau for External Cultural Relations, Ministry of Culture of the PRC and Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University (ICIPKU). This research report comprehensively synthesizes and assesses the annual development and future trends of the international cultural trade of China, aiming at serving the policy-making, practice and experience accumulation in market, and facilitating a steady and healthy increase of international cultural business.

Title: The Annual Report on International Cultural Trade of China(2010)

Chief Editor: Dong Junxin, Ye Lang

Publisher: Peking University Press(China)

Publication Date: March, 2011

Language: Chinese